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A deeper scan of your heart

An echocardiogram, also known as an "Echo," is a type of scan that examines the heart and nearby blood vessels.


This type of ultrasound uses a small probe that sends out high-frequency sound waves that create echoes when they bounce off different parts of your heart. While the scan is being performed, the probe detects these echoes and converts them into a moving image on a monitor.

It is not the same as an Electrocardiogram (ECG).


What can an Echocardiogram detect?

An Echo can be extremely helpful to both us and you because it can identify:


  • Genetic heart diseases.

  • Any damage from a heart attack.

  • Heart failure or irregular blood flow.

  • Cardiomyopathy.

How does an Echocardiogram work?

For your Echo our doctors will ask you to remove any garments covering your upper half and to lie down on a bed. We will offer a hospital gown to cover yourself during the exam.


Once lying down, certain small sensors (electrodes) will be attached to your chest. During the test, these will be connected to a machine that monitors your heartbeat. Then we apply a gel on your chest and directly to the ultrasound probe that will be moved across your chest while laying on your left side. The gel may feel cold.


The probe is attached by a cable to a nearby machine that will display and record the images produced.

  • Am I eligible for Stress Testing?
    We recommend this kind of test if you have had at least one of these: Shortness of breath Diabetes Chest pain Symptoms of limited blood flow to your heart A recent heart attack A recent heart procedure Feeling faint or fluttering heartbeat during exercise Symptoms of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
  • Is it a painful test?
    This is an absolutely painless procedure. There is, however, exercise involved, this is why you may slightly sweat.
  • How long does it take?
    Including prep time and actual exercise testing, a Stress Test usually takes about an hour. Exercise testing takes about 15 minutes, where you'll walk on a treadmill or pedal a stationary bicycle.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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